The COVID-19 pandemic has kept us indoors and living with ourselves more often, which means we’ve had to look in the mirror more often than usual… As a result, the desire for teeth whitening has grown beyond comprehension! Although, it’s not just at our dental practice, patients are seen to be trying new methods at home!
There’s no harm in trying to whiten your teeth yourself… right? Wrong! There are always risks, especially if you are using products that can damage your teeth! If you’re trying out a home remedy to alter your smile, it’s important you use products that are approved by dentists.
Many people who desire a whiter smile, may not opt for a cosmetic procedure in fear of the procedure causing sensitivity, which is very real! Cosmetic teeth whitening, as a result is usually reserved for adults after the ages of 18 – 21.
It’s important to consult your dentist at Smiles Nambour if you desire to have your teeth cosmetically whitened
Need a safe alternative to cosmetic procedures? You’ve come to the right place!
Here are four methods you can try from home, professionally approved and sold in your local supermarkets!
- Toothpaste: No, we’re not pulling your leg! There’s no better way to improve the visibility of your teeth than by the power of the toothbrush! Brushing your teeth with toothpaste, including toothpaste with whitening agents such as; silica, pyrophosphates, hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which remove the extrinsic stains, thereby lightening the teeth colour.
- Teeth Whitening Kits at Home! Did you know you can order teeth whitening kits from us today? Although not as efficient as the in-office procedure, our take-home kit can give you results in a week or two. To make sure of the safety and effectiveness of this teeth whitening procedure, your dentist at Comfort Dental will provide you with specific instructions and sufficient guidance in using the product.
- Teeth Whitening Strips: Local supermarkets supply teeth whitening strips that promise results within 7-days! With a great amount of reviews on whitening strips, and happy buyers, we recommend these strips as an option for you. Remember: Whilst whitening strips promise to remove up to 10 years of stains, the best results will be delivered from your professional dentists.
- Flossing: Whilst flossing might seem like an unusual way to brighten your teeth, it most certainly helps! Maintaining the overall health and hygiene of your teeth by flossing your teeth is an added bonus to your achieving your perfect smile!
- Check-ups with our dentists: To achieve your perfect smile, there is no better way than by scheduling your half- yearly appointments with us at Comfort Dental, we recommend adults book check-ups and cleans every six months. However, it is important to note that your oral hygienist and professional dentist will know the frequency of check-ups needed for you and your oral health.
NOTE: A white and bright smile, does not always mean a healthy smile. Remember to book your check up with our experienced dentists today by calling (07) 5441 4438 or book your next visit online by visiting:
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