Removal of impacted wisdom teeth

Removal of impacted wisdom teeth

This information is intended for patients who might require a surgical procedure to extract their impacted wisdom teeth. It provides an explanation of the reasons for removal, the procedure involved, and any potential risks or complications.

The wisdom tooth, also known as the third molar, typically emerges into the mouth after the age of approximately 16. Often, there is insufficient space for these wisdom teeth to properly come in, leading to what is termed as “impacted” wisdom teeth. Impaction can occur when the wisdom teeth are blocked from normal eruption, either pushing towards the tooth in front of them or growing backward into the jawbone.

Reasons for the removal of wisdom teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth can lead to various issues that make its removal the most suitable option. The most common problems related with impacted wisdom teeth are:

  • Repeated gum infections covering a partially erupted tooth (pericoronitis).
  • Tooth decay (caries) in the wisdom tooth, which cannot be treated by your dentist.
  • Infection of the tooth (abscess) caused by advanced dental decay.
  • Compromised neighboring molar tooth due to gum (periodontal) disease or dental decay caused by the impacted wisdom tooth.
  • Development of a progressive cystic (fluid-filled sac) around the tooth.
  • Inclusion in other surgical procedures involving the jaw. 7. Your surgeon may discuss other, less common reasons with you.

What are the possible problems?

Bleeding – While there might be slight bleeding during the extraction process, it typically ceases rapidly, especially if the wound is sutured. In the event of any bleeding after you leave the facility, applying pressure on the area for at least 10 minutes using a rolled-up handkerchief or swab should usually suffice to stop it. However, if the bleeding persists, please do not hesitate to reach out to the department for further assistance.

Infection – Infection is a rare occurrence, especially when antibiotics are utilized.

Nerve damage – There are two nerves situated in close proximity to the roots of the lower wisdom teeth. One of these nerves is responsible for providing sensation to your lower lip, chin, and lower teeth, while the other plays a role in the feeling and taste sensation of your tongue. During the removal of a wisdom tooth, these nerves can sometimes be affected, resulting in tingling or numbness in the lip, chin, or tongue, and occasionally, changes in taste perception. Approximately one in 10 individuals may experience tingling or numbness that lasts for several weeks, and less than one in 100 people may encounter prolonged issues lasting over a year. The risks of such complications might be higher if the wisdom tooth is positioned in a challenging manner. The surgeon will inform you if you are considered to have an increased risk in this regard.

Schedule Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Nambour – Smiles Nambour

To schedule your wisdom tooth extraction in Nambourcontact us at Smiles Nambour today. If you have any other queries about the procedure, sedation options, or wisdom teeth extraction costs, our friendly dentists in Nambour will be happy to help.