Preventing Cavity Risk Factors

Despite recent advancements in modern dentistry, dental decay due to cavities remains to be among the most prevalent dental anomalies today, virtually affecting entire populations across the planet.

Truth be told, however, early stage dental decay can be prevented rather easily if you religiously keep a rigorous dental healthcare regimen. Moreover, you can further reduce the risk of being afflicted with dental cavities mainly by paying attention to the following—

Food and drinks that tend to stick onto your dental surfaces. Food and beverages that cling onto your teeth tends to provide mouth-dwelling bacteria the nourishment that are eventually excreted as highly-acidic byproducts, which ravages the dental enamel.

If you can’t totally avoid these pasty food sources, at least make it a point to brush your teeth an hour after eating and drinking. Basically, plaque-promoters include sugary and starchy food and drinks like milk, honey, raisins, candies, dry cereal, and bread.

Mindless snacking. While there is a substantial body of studies, which reports that frequently eating small amounts of food throughout the day could potentially help in promoting weight loss, there also related studies that report that frequent snacking throughout the day makes your tooth more vulnerable to acid damage and dental cavities altogether.

As such, it is best if you brush your teeth shortly after snacking. Apart from keeping your teeth plaque-free, brushing also help curb hunger pangs.

Drinking bottled water instead of tap. Drinking bottled is a lifestyle choice that results from a great concern about the quality of public tap water. While this in itself is not at all an irrational lifestyle choice, it is worth noting that most public water supplies have long been prepared with fluoride.

Fluoride is mainly known to remineralize dental surfaces and thus prevent plaque buildup and dental decay.

Dentist In Sunshine Coast

Smiles Nambour is your reliable partner in achieving beautiful and healthy smiles. Using advanced dental practices and state-of-the-art dental equipment; Smiles Nambour provides the local Sunshine Coast community and its surrounding region with a comprehensive range of modern dental solutions.

Same Day Appointment Available, Request it Now! Call us at (03) 9762 0661. or simply book your appointment online.