Here’s a 2 minutes and 11 seconds Common Baby Teething Symptoms and its Easy Remedies video. See full transcript below.
You and your baby may have sleepless nights due to your child’s teething symptoms. Your baby could be one of those little children that need to undergo the consequence of developing their first teeth. Some teeth can break through the gum line without making your infant irritated. However, others grow and cause your baby to have sore, red gums. Keep in mind that teething symptoms don’t lead to fever, colds or diarrhea; thus, if your child has these symptoms, call your doctor immediately.
There are many different ways you can do to make teething easier for your little loved one. Every infant is different, and you must try different things until you got the one that worked well for your baby. Ease your baby’s gums by rubbing it using your clean finger or moist gauze. The pressure can ease the discomfort of your baby. Cold teething ring, spoon or washcloth also relieves the gums. Cool foods and drinks also offer relief to your baby’s sore gums. Keep your baby’s chin dry by having a clean cloth handy. On the other hand, avoid giving them frozen teething ring as this can harm their gums and monitor them while eating solid cool foods, as any pieces can be a choking hazard.
To help improve the teeth and gum health of your little child, visit your dental partners in Sunshine Coast here at Smiles Nambour. When it comes to the oral health of your children and your entire family, we have top-notch dental treatments to offer for your lifetime oral health wellness – ranging from preventive care to restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry.
Call us today on (07) 5441 4438 or simply book your appointment online. Same Day Appointment Available, Request it Now! Here at Smiles Nambour, we care for your smile.
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Common Baby Teething Symptoms and its Easy Remedies
Smiles Nambour
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