Better Communication Helps Promote Oral Wellness

When it comes to the well-being of your teeth and gums, regular visits to the dental clinic is as important as daily brushing and flossing.

Dental care experts continue to reiterate that you should see your dentist every six months so as to be sure about your dental and oral wellness. Then again, there are certain factors that keep you from maximising each of your dental appointments.

One of these would be the communication between you and your dentist. A research team from the University of Florida revealed that being unable to understand and use key information on dental health and oral wellness is one of the main reasons why people could not appreciate the importance of seeing the dentist regularly.

Why Better Communication Is Crucial For Oral Wellness

The study found that the undeniable difference between common, lay people’s knowledge and that of dentists when it comes to details on dental and oral health can become a huge communication barrier that impedes that formation of an effective dentist-patient relationship.

When dentists fail to explain the circumstance in ways that you can easily understand, a gap is formed. As a result, patients are less likely to attend another dental appointment or undergo a necessary dental procedure. This would then lead to the lack of preventative actions and ultimately, poor dental health and oral wellness.

Fostering A Solid Partnership To Uphold Oral Wellness

Here at Smiles Nambour, we make sure that we empower you so that you can make better-informed decisions when it comes to the well-being of your teeth and gums. We take time to explain things clearly and thoroughly so that you are well-aware about the crucial and essential aspects of dental health and oral wellness. This ensures that you learn more and more about taking care of your teeth and gums. Your knowledge and understanding of these concepts significantly boost your ability to maintain that perfectly health smile.

Your Trusted And Caring Sunshine Coast Dentist

For expert guidance when it comes to your dental and oral health, consult your dental care partners here at Smiles Nambour. Your reliable dentist in Sunshine Coast continuously strives to help you and your family achieve and maintain utmost oral wellness. Call us today on (07) 5441 4438 or simply book your appointment online. Same Day Appointment Available, Request it Now!