Unknowingly, you might be putting your teeth in great danger. Australians consume a high volume of soft drinks every year. In fact, it is included in the top ten when it comes to this statistic. Sadly, this is not a feat to be proud of. High consumption of soft drinks is directly proportional to the onset of various health problems, including dental health concerns which are brought about by dental erosion.
Dental erosion occurs when your tooth enamel gets damaged. This can be caused by the high sugar content of these kinds of beverages. Then again, it can be more accurate to say that the erosion of tooth enamel is more predominantly due to the acidity of these refreshments. As such, it is important that you have accurate knowledge about the drinks that can harm your teeth so as to protect them from further damage.
Here at Smiles Nambour, it is part of our main goals to provide you with exact information about dental and oral health so as to help you make better informed decisions for you and your family. We care for your smile. That is why your reliable Sunshine Coast dentist will see to it that you experience all that modern dentistry has to offer. Call us today on (07) 5441 4438 or simply book your appointment online. Same Day Appointment Available, Request it Now!