7 Kinds of Foods that Cause Dental Erosion

Here’s a 3 minutes and 17 seconds 7 Kinds of Foods that Cause Dental Erosion video. See full transcript below.

The effects of tooth erosion can’t be easily detected. However, early signs of tooth enamel indicate that your tooth becomes smooth and shiny looking, and your back teeth will form depressions on the teeth’s biting surface. Dental erosion is a common tooth problem that affects adults and babies alike. As long as the person consumes enamel-eroding foods and products, the risk of this oral condition is high.

If left untreated, dental erosion can cause progressive tooth enamel loss. When the structure of the tooth is damaged, it requires complex and extensive dental procedures involving fillings, crowns, veneers and even root canal treatment. To avoid these treatments, the best thing you can do is to prevent the acid attack by limiting contact of acids with your teeth. If you are exposed to strong acids, there are best practices you can do to neutralise it. Visit your dentist as soon as possible if you feel or notice some changes on the surface of your teeth. Your dental team will also guide you towards healthier tooth enamel and eventually better oral health.

You can’t always avoid foods that contain acids, but you always choose to reduce your consumption or better yet, avoid them. For more comprehensive information about tooth erosion and other tooth problems, visit your reliable dentist in Sunshine Coast here at Smiles Nambour. We offer a wide range of dental treatments and procedures to help improve the health of your teeth so it can remain strong and healthy for life.

Call us today on (07) 5441 4438 or simply book your appointment online. Same Day Appointment Available, Request it Now! Here at Smiles Nambour, we care for your smile.

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7 Kinds of Foods that Cause Dental Erosion

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Phone: (07) 5441 4438

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