5 New Year Resolutions For Dental Health Success

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions started with the Babylonians 4000 years ago. The Babylonian New Year was at the planting of new crops, and the most common resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment.

Today, not many of us make that resolution, but there is something about the turning of the New Year that makes it a logical time for a fresh start. Today our most common resolutions revolve around health issues such as losing weight, exercising more, or eating better.

At Smiles Nambour we’d like to remind you that dental health resolutions are also great for general, and recommend the following resolutions for your new year.

Things to be Resolute About

    1. Schedule dentist visits. Sometimes it is easy to put off dental care – other important things arise in your life, you need to save money, sometimes you just forget. But don’t! Your dentist helps you keep your teeth clean, gums healthy, and smile bright.

Regular dental visits also help catch problems as they develop, before they can become expensive and painful. Visit twice a year for your dental and general health.

    1. Eat mouth-healthy foods. The first step is to cut back on sugar. The second step is to resolve to eat more orally healthy foods. These foods are a benefit to your teeth and general health.

Eat a variety of foods from each of the five major food groups, including grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein and low-fat and fat-free dairy foods. Dairy goods contain calcium, which is good for teeth, and fibre-laden foods can scour and clean the teeth.

    1. Keep your brushing and flossing schedule. This resolution is so simple to fulfill, and it has some of the greatest payoff. Brush twice a day and floss at least once.

Your Smiles Nambour dentist will be happy to check your brushing and flossing technique to ensure that you are doing the best possible job at keeping your mouth healthy.

    1. Quit Smoking! If you smoke, there is nothing more important you can do to improve your oral and overall health that to quit (all) tobacco.

Smoking increases the risk for gum disease and oral cancer, and can also stain your pearly whites to an unattractive shade. Ask your dentist or hygienist for help in quitting smoking.

  1. Improve your smile. First impressions are important, and a bright, happy smile is sure to make a good one. There are several tooth whitening procedures that can turn the ‘wattage’ up on your smile.

Braces, crowns, veneers, and dental implants can make your smile more attractive while also improving your ability to chew.

There are many treatments to improve your smile, and at Smiles Nambour we are happy to discuss them with you.

Dental Care for the New Year at Smiles Nambour

Your Smiles Nambour dentist offers you the advice and treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy in the upcoming year. Smiles Nambour has provided extraordinary dental care service to the Nambour community and surrounding regions for many years, and we look forward to serving you.

Same Day Appointment Available! Call us today on (07) 5441 4438 or book your appointment online.

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